Generic Quicksort
- Mojo Reference: Sort
- Mojo Version: 24.2.1
Demo: Sorting a Group of People by Age
This demo showcases how to sort a group of people based on their age using a versatile QuickSort algorithm. This generic QuickSort implementation can be used to sort arrays of any type, provided a custom comparison function is specified. The flexibility of this approach allows for tailored sorting criteria, making it applicable across various data structures and scenarios.
before sort: Rose (20), Tom (21), Julia (22), Sam (20), Rose (21), Tom (22), Julia (20)
ascending: Rose (20), Sam (20), Julia (20), Tom (21), Rose (21), Tom (22), Julia (22)
descending: Tom (22), Julia (22), Tom (21), Rose (21), Julia (20), Rose (20), Sam (20)
- The Mojo standard library includes a partition method that appears to function similarly to the custom
method defined in this demonstration. However, I have not yet figured out how to utilize it within the context of this demo. - As pointed out by @helehex and @moosems_yeehaw on Discord, a version involving the definition of a custom Sortable trait would lead to a more elegant solution. Unfortunately so far I run in some compiler issues trying to do this.